Complete Ausweis App Guide
FAQsAusweis is a smart access controller capable of managing any electric lock via a mobile app and a universal Ausweis device. The service provides universal, comfortable and secure mobile access to facilities.
The following document covers the explanation of all the application’s main functions: lock registration, access sharing and key revoking.
You can download Ausweis on Google Play or App Store.
1. How to register:To start with, make sure you have the latest version of Ausweis installed. Moreover, make sure you have a stable Internet connection, preferably in the WiFi range on your carrier’s home network. It’s possible the registration may fail if your connection is poor.
To complete your registration process smoothly, follow these simple steps:
Step 1:
Run the application and slide to start (the screenshots below show the tutorial both for Android [left] and iOS [right]).
Note: on the home screen you can also tap the LEARN MORE button to get to know some information on the service itself.

Step 2:
On this screen you are able to create the new account or sign in with your existing one.
If you first open Ausweis, you’ll need to sign in. Tap SIGN IN.

Step 3:
Agree to the terms and conditions of the Ausweis service. Tap I AGREE.

Step 4:
1 of 6: Begin your simple 6-step registration starting with your name. Enter your first and last name and tap NEXT.

2 of 6: Then, you will be prompted to enter your valid email address. This is arguably the most important part of the registration process, as you won’t be able to complete it without the correct email being registered.
Enter your email address and tap NEXT.

3 of 6: After this, you will need to fill in your phone number. The first space is where you enter your country code (choose it from the list). Remember to leave out any extra 0s before the number when you enter it. Tap NEXT.

4 of 6: The next step is setting your avatar picture. You can either do it straight away or skip this step by tapping NEXT. You will always be able to change your avatar later.

5 of 6: Now create a password for your Ausweis account. It should consist of 8 characters including one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. After confirming your password, tap NEXT.

6 of 6: You’ll get a confirmation email with a verification code, which you can enter on the next screen you see. Keep in mind that it may take time for Ausweis to send your code. However, if you don’t receive it in five minutes, repeat the above steps.
After entering your confirmation code, tap NEXT.

You are all done! Your account is now created and you will be redirected to your Locks screen. Now you can explore the application itself.
Guide for iOS
An Ausweis application has three main screens: My Locks, Notifications, and Menu. On the first one, you will see your locks and the locks you were shared access to. All the locks are tappable. By tapping on each, you will access its details, such as address, owner contacts, people with access. On the second one, there will be a list of sent notifications with dates. The Menu screen lets you see your profile and app details.

To access your profile, tap on it. You will see your avatar (if set), personal data and settings options. In the app, you are able to enable/disable notifications, change the password and edit your profile. Also, you can log out of the application by tapping Logout.
Edit your profile by tapping EDIT in the top right corner of the screen.
Change your password by tapping Change password button.

In your profile settings you are also able to change your avatar, phone number and name. Once you’ve finished, tap SAVE in the top right corner of the screen and your changes will be implemented.

Back in the Menu, you can tap About to access your app details, such as version, licenses, and agreements. All of those are tappable - you will be redirected to the pages with the mentioned documents.

Guide for Android
An Ausweis application has three main screens: My Locks, Notifications, and Menu. On the first one, you will see your locks and the locks you were shared access to. All the locks are tappable. By tapping on each, you will access its details, such as address, owner contacts, people with access. On the second one, there will be a list of sent notifications with dates. The Menu screen lets you see your profile, manage the app and access support or app details.

To access your profile, tap on it. You will see your avatar (if set), personal data and settings options. In the app, you are able to enable/disable notifications and edit your profile. Also, you can logout of the application by tapping Logout.
Edit your profile by tapping EDIT in the top right corner of the screen. You are also able to change your avatar, email, phone number and name. Once you’ve finished, tap SAVE in the top right corner of the screen and your changes will be implemented.

Back in the Menu, you can tap Color scheme to access your app’s color scheme options. You may choose either white or black theme for your application. The changes will be implemented instantly.

Back in the Menu, you can tap Help & Support to access Ausweis support. May you have any issues concerning the app or any related questions, enter them in the box and tap SEND. Our support team will receive your message and get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Back in the Menu, you can tap About to access your app details, such as version, licenses, and agreements. All of those are tappable - you will be redirected to the pages with the mentioned documents.

Tutorial for Android
To create an Ausweis lock, go to MY LOCKS section and tap + button in the top right corner of the screen.

Then, follow a step-by-step tutorial.
First of all, tap ADD LOCK button (screenshot on the left).
Note: make sure you have your Ausweis device installed and in the Wi-Fi coverage area prior to creating a new lock. Otherwise, you will not be able to create a new lock in your application (screenshot on the right).

Step 1:
Select your Ausweis device from a list by tapping ADD.

Step 2:
Specify the type of your lock. If you are using Ausweis as a separate access controller, select the type of your lock - electromechanical or electromagnetic. If you are using Ausweis as additional controller to your regular access control system, select the third option.

Then, select the power supply options. Depending on your lock type, it can be either on or off. You can also set the timing of power supply.
Power supply options: on - the lock opens when a pulse is applied to a relay; off - no pulse is needed.
Timing is the pulse duration needed to open the lock. Please, read your lock instructions carefully before setting this parameter. Danger! Do not damage the lock!

Step 3:
Enter the address of your lock. You can do it either manually or by tapping the map button and selecting the address on Google Maps.

In Google Maps you can either select the found location or a nearby place.
Note: turn on geolocation on your device to improve the accuracy.

Step 4:
Enter your lock’s name.

Step 5:
Select lock mode. It can be either offline or online. The online mode means your device will be connected to WiFi while operating. The offline mode means firmware allows the device to connect to the phone without the Internet.
If you select Offline, you will be able to open your door in offline mode.

If you select Online, you will need to choose Wi-Fi network to connect to your Ausweis device.
Important! For the first registration, it is crucial that your device is online in the coverage area of the WiFi network. WIthout it, your lock will not be activated on the server. Therefore, you will not be able to open the entrance.

Select the network from a list, enter the password, and then tap ADD LOCK.

Congratulations! You created your Ausweis lock. It will appear in MY LOCKS section and you will be the admin. Now you will be able to open this entrance with just one swipe.
Note: you can open the entrance either using your app or by touching the exit button on the Ausweis device. Please, do not press the button, it may lead to damaging the device.
Tutorial for iOS
To create an Ausweis lock, go to MY LOCKS section and tap + button in the top right corner of the screen.
Note: make sure you have your Ausweis device installed and on prior to creating a new lock.

Then, follow a step-by-step tutorial.
Step 1:
First of all, scan the QR code of your Ausweis device. It is located on its body. On a screenshot below, we are scanning a QR code from the device’s motherboard.

Step 2:
Select the type of your lock and the power supply options. If your lock opens on power supply, please, set the timing.
Power supply options: on - the lock opens when a pulse is applied to a relay; off - no pulse is needed.
Timing is the pulse duration needed to open the lock. Please, read your lock instructions carefully before setting this parameter. Danger! Do not damage the lock!

Step 3:
Name your lock.

Step 4:
Enter the address of your lock. You can do it either manually or by tapping the pointer button and selecting the address on Google Maps. In Google Maps you can either select the found location or a nearby place.
Note: turn on geolocation on your device to improve the accuracy.

Step 5:
Select lock mode. It can be either offline or online. The online mode means your device will be connected to WiFi while operating. The offline mode means firmware allows the device to connect to the phone without the Internet.
If you select Offline, you will be able to open your door in offline mode. If you select Online, you will need to choose Wi-Fi network to connect to your Ausweis device. Select the network from a list, enter the password, and then tap REGISTER.
Important! For the first registration, it is crucial that your device is online in the coverage area of the WiFi network. WIthout it, your lock will not be activated on the server. Therefore, you will not be able to open the entrance.

Congratulations! You created your Ausweis lock. It will appear in MY LOCKS section and you will be the admin. Now you will be able to open this entrance with just one swipe.
Note: you can open the entrance either using your app or by touching the exit button on the Ausweis device. Please, do not press the button, it may lead to damaging the device.
You can set up your locks enabling or disabling various options. For this, go to MY LOCKS section and tap on the lock you would like to manage. You will see lock details. Tap SETTINGS button in the top right corner of the screen to access lock’s settings.
Note: you can only set up locks, of which you are an administrator (they are located in MY LOCKS section).

Here you can change basic information, Wi-Fi options, and special features. Change your lock’s name and address by tapping on them. You can also change the Wi-Fi hotspot, to which your lock is connected.
Special features include NFC, Autoconnect, and Touch interaction. You can enable them by toggling the on/off button next to them.
If your device supports NFC functions, you will be able to unlock your door scanning the chip on, say, a sticker on your desk. It is very convenient when you want to open the door without the need to be near it.
Auto connect function lets you connect to the WiFi network of your lock to be able to open it. It means, when you are near the lock, your phone will connect to the network, to which the Ausweis device is connected. No need to use your cellular data.
If you would like to open your door using not only the application, you are welcome to do so by enabling the touch interaction. If enabled, it will allow you and other lock users to exit by touching the exit button on a device. Note: do not press the button, it may lead to the damage of the device.
One of the main advantages of Ausweis is the ability to share digital keys with other people. Whether you need to provide access to your family, friends, blue-collar workers, or coworkers, it is fast and easy. You will only need a person’s contact details.
Note: you can only share access to locks you administer.
Step 1:
Go to MY LOCKS section and select a lock you would like to share (the screenshots below show the tutorial both for Android [left] and iOS [right]).

Step 2:
In the lock details, tap the fixed share button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 3:
Select access duration. It can be limited or unlimited.

If you select the limited duration, you will be able to set the start and end date and time for a person to use his/her digital key. In the fields provided, set the desired period. If you select the unlimited duration, a person will have the ability to access your facility anytime.
You can also give a person lock activity access permission. If you toggle the button, the user will be able to view lock activity and receive notifications on it.

Step 4:
Now you can choose the sharing option. You can either share the lock by email or by the messenger of your choice. For the first option, enter the person’s email in the field provided and tap the SHARE BY EMAIL button.

For the second option, tap SHARE BY MESSENGER button and select any messenger you like to send an invitation to a person.

Congratulations! You have successfully shared access for a selected person. Now he/she can enter your facility for the set period while you will have no need to be at home.

With Ausweis, you can easily revoke a digital key for any person anytime.
Note: you can restrict access to the locks, of which you are an admin.
To cancel access to your facility for someone, go to MY LOCKS section and select a lock you would like to manage (the screenshots below show the tutorial both for Android [left] and iOS [right]).

This will open the lock details. To manage people who have access, tap the arrow button in the Participants area.

You will see all the people who currently have access to your lock. The Administrators are people who manage the lock and can share and revoke keys. The Guests are people who had received digital keys for this lock (they have it as a shared lock in their applications).
To revoke a key, you can proceed with two options:
Option 1:
Tap EDIT button in the top right corner of the screen. You will be able to delete any guest you want by tapping a red x button next to their name.

Option 2:
Select any guest from the list by tapping on them. You will see all the profile details. At the bottom of the screen, there will be a Revoke key button (Remove key button for iOS). Tap it to cancel access for this person.
Note: you cannot revoke keys for administrators.

The universal controller functions can be configured via application or browser.
The list of functions:
- remote lock opening at any time via mobile app or browser;
- data record about the lock status in the log file;
- digital key transfer to authorized people;
- flexible configuration of access types;
- device's geolocation display on the map;
- notifications about any changes in the device status;
- key locking in case of smartphone loss.